The logic of Seagic

The route to gaining total control and optimizing the entire fleet.

Seagic's route to optimize your fleet

Seagic developed the route to optimize the vessels in your fleet. Experience shows that there is a big difference in culture and understanding between the officers working on the vessels and the managers working in the office.

This mutual misunderstanding finds its origin in the lack of knowledge, lack of understanding for each other's work and difficulties in communication between ship and shore. We at Seagic see every ship as a small company that has to communicate with the head office in a certain structure. With our process, we first make sure that both parties understand the work of the other in order to create mutual understanding. We do this by using online training, covering the practical work till the understanding within the managers.

By optimizing the work on board, the crew will be happy and gain time for maintenance and other chores that need to be done on board. The software tools are designed to create a standard communication flow of data from ship to shore. This data structure allows the office staff to do their work without miscommunication.

The Seagic route makes daily work easier, is less time-consuming, and more enjoyable for the vessels crew and officer personnel.

The Seagic workflow for the crew onboard

The crew on board are the ones in the field to make sure everything goes well with the equipment and the vessel. They work long days, seven days a week, for an extended period on a moving vessel that travels around the world.

The crew has many responsibilities: they must comply with all rules and regulations and ensure that the vessel continues to function properly. The crew often finds itself working overtime just to get all the paperwork done according to set procedures.Complex and different Excel sheets between vessels don't make it any easier for the crew.

Seagic realized through many years of sailing experience that this can be done more efficiently. We created the Seagic workflow which makes administrative tasks for the crew on board easier and faster. Bringing the crew back to their main responsibilities.

The software is designed to follow the standard steps of the onboard activities. The officers using the software will spend a short time with the standardised systems to complete their paperwork. All information is stored and automatically transmitted to the main office.

The officers can be trained via the Seagic training platform to understand the operation and fast-paced nature of the Seagic software system. The onboard workflow will reduce the workload on the officers, reduce amount of errors and faster vessel departures.

Data: the key to your improvements

To improve an entire fleet, a lot of data is required. Seagic has observed that most data recorded on board is still managed using simple, non-standardized Excel sheets.

The data from these sheets is stored, but the majority is never shared and used for fleet analysis. While valuable lessons can be learned from structured data. Proper data analysis helps you make decisions to improve overall fleet performance.

The Seagic on-board software tools improve the workflow for the crew, while structuring all data, ready for data analysis. Thanks to the standardized workflow and the improved knowledge of the crew on board, a high quality of data is guaranteed. The data is used on the Seagic online data analysis system, resulting in improved fleet performance.

Seagic saves you money and reduces the environmental impact

The Seagic workflow combined with the onshore data management will result in better performance of all vessels in the fleet. The crew on board will work more effectively resulting in fewer delays, effective turnaround times and a happier crew.

Meanwhile, staff in the main office can go about their daily business with a clear view of all their ships. Overall optimization will take place by assessing the high-quality data of the entire fleet. All in all, this will improve performance, lower costs and profitability, and reduce environmental impact and CO2 emissions.

Improve the whole fleet, work more optimally, have less impact on the environment, and save money.