Fleetwide optimisation

Optimise your vessels, improve the effectiveness, reduce environmental impact and save money.

Specialized onboard knowhow

With the right tools and knowhow, the onboard crew of your gas tankers will perform better. Seagic brings specialized knowledge to your crew via the diverse Seagic product range. Our team has the best understanding of the onboard gas tanker operations, we help to optimize by our:

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Many years of onboard experience.

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Unique understanding of the market.

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Technical and operational involvement.

The route to optimize your fleet


For a better performing crew, it is important to keep the knowledge up to date. With the Seagic training platform this is easily done. Our (online) training platform takes the crew from a basic to an advanced level. It helps them become the best in their position on board. The Seagic training is designed to fit exactly with the Seagic standardization software tools. In this way the crew is ready to get started when boarding the vessel.

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The Seagic software tools standardize the workflow of the crew on board. The crew will quickly adapt to the tools, as they are specifically created for the on board workflow. Less time will be spent on paperwork and difficult Excel sheets are history. The crew will have more time for the real job, operating the vessel. All this will result in better performance on board.

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The data created on board of the vessels using the Seagic software tools will be automatically transmitted to shore. This data can then be used by the operators and technical managers in the office to monitor the status of the vessel. This improves the workflow and makes the work in the office more time efficient. The data can be analysed to easily identify areas in need of improvement.

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All in all, great improvements can be achieved. The vessels will operate more efficiently thanks to the standardized controls on board. The crew will have better insight and save time for important tasks on the vessel. And the office staff will have easier access to the complete data of the vessel to make the right decisions to improve the overall fleet.

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Would you like to improve your entire fleet or just learn more about liquefied gas handling? Seagic can help you out.